The PSCG is a premium consulting company, assisting well established companies, as well as early stage startups in the process of building Hardware, Firmware and Software.

Led by Ron Munitz, The PSCG is consisted of an unprecedented combination of the best experts of everything from board design, manufacturing process and verification, through security research, reverse engineering and exploitation, to building the most robust and complex Embedded Linux, Android, or Hard Real-Time systems based on anything from esoteric libraries on even more esoteric architecture sets to VxWorks, Integrity, Zepyhr Project, FreeRTOS, ThreadX, ARM Mbed OS and more.

In addition, The PSCG offers Premium Consulting and Full Turnkey Solutions of Board Support Packages and Application Development (including Mobile and web application development).

We also offer premium training on most of the aforementioned disciplines, with very strong focus on Android Internals, MacOS Internals, Linux Internals, and system and application programming for the respective Operating Systems.

We do it all. We do it well:

If it’s complex - we do it simple, fast, and robust

If it can’t be done - “Challenge Accepted”.  

If it’s “simple” - consider it done in a combination of unprecedented speed and quality.

For more information about consulting, training, and all other inquiries, please email us at info@thepscg.com, or use any of the contact channels at the Contact Us page.

Group Discounts Apply (for groups of 4 and more, 8 and more and 12)